Deploy NFC for Mobile Payment for an European bank
- Categories banking, financial institutions, fintech, mobile payment, Near Field Communication (NFC), payment
- Date 11 September 2018
In brief…
- A complete project : from marketing dream up to deep technical aspects
Experience & highlights
- Same kind of project than the one we delivered last time (click here : Deploy NFC for Mobile Payment for an European telecom operator) as for the telco but with a bank, in order to deploy a Mobile Payment services
- Working with bank to specify the needs
- Evaluating the impacts for the bank, deploying the technical solution (SP-TSM), connecting it to the bank backend and to the telco, Running end-to-end tests
Main results
- Solution live commercially, thousands of payments per month
Tag:3gpp, Access Rule Application Client, Access Rule Application Master, account, Advanced Encryption Standard, AES, Alipay, Answer To Reset, APDU, API, Apple Pay, Application Programming Interface, Application Protocol Data Unit, ARA-C, ARA-M, Association Non-confidential, ATR, authentication, authorization, bank account, bank accounts, bank card, bank-led model, banking, barcode stickers, bill payments, billing, billing options, Bouygues Telecom, bus, bus timetables, Card Application Toolkit – Transport Protocol, Card-based payments, cardholders, Carrier billing, CASD, cash, CAT-TP, certification, charged to a mobile, cheque, China Unicom, cinema trailers, CL, CLF, cloud-based, Cofinoga, complex ecosystem, Conduent, consulting, consumer, Contactless Frontend, Contactless payments, Contactless Registry Services, contactless smart cards, ContactLess Tunnelling, Controlling Authority Security Domain, convenient, credit card networke, credit cards, Credit Unions, CRM, CRS, currency systems, DAP, Data Authentication Pattern, Data Encryption Standard, debit card networks, debit cards, DES, digital, Direct operator billing, Direct transfers, EAL, end-to-end encryption, enode, ERP, ETSI, European Telecommunications Standards Institute, Evaluation Assurance Level, expert node, experts, experts NODE, expertsnode, FeliCa, financial institutions, financial regulation, financial services, FinTech, Fly Tag, formation, fraud, freelance, funding, Galeries Lafayette, Google Pay, google wallet, GSM, gsma, Gyft, HCI, HCP, Host Controller Interface, Host Controller Protocol, IEC, ietf, inter-bank, International Electrotechnical Commission, International Organization for Standardization, intra-bank, ISD, ISO, ISO/IEC 14443, ISO/IEC 18000-3, Issuer Security Domain, JR East, Keolis, LG Pay, license plate, Line Pay, marketing-automation, mass-transit networks, mastercard, membership, metro, micropayments, MNO, mobile app, mobile application, mobile devices, Mobile FeliCa, mobile money, mobile money transfer, Mobile Network Operator, mobile operator, Mobile Payment, mobile payment applications, Mobile Suica, mobile to pay, mobile wallet, Mobile wallets, Mobile web payments, Monoprix, Near Field Communication, NFC, NFC technology, NFC vendors, Nice Régie Lignes d'Azur, NRJ Mobile, NTT DoCoMo, off-street parking, on-flights, on-street parking, Orange, OTA, Over The Air, password, payee, payer, paying, payment card, payment infrastructure, payment mechanism, payment networks, payment processor, payment provider, payment services, payment services processors, pci dss, Philips, phone manufacturers, physical stores, PIN, point-of-sales, PP Short Message Service – Point to Point, pre-paid, premium SMS, presentment, PSP, PSPs, purchases, RAM, reader module, real-time, relationship marketing, Remote Application Management, Remote File Management, Remote payment, Rennes, reservation systems, rfid, RFM, Samsung, Samsung Pay, Samsung Player One, Savings banks, SCP, seat upgrades, security strategies, Semiconductors, sensitive account details, Service Provider, SFR, SHDLC, shops, short code, short-range, Simplified High Level Data Link Control, Single Wire Protocol, Smart Card Platform, smart poster, smartcard, smartphone, SMS, SMS channel, SMS-based, SNCF, Sony, SP, SSD, standards, subscription renewals, Supplementary Security Domain, support NFC, supporting infrastructure, SWP, target removal, Technical Specification, technology, tokenization, Touch n Go eWallet, training, tramways, transactions, transfers, transponder tags, transportation services, transports, TS, UICC, unbanked, underbanked, Uniform Resource Locator, Universal Integrated Circuit Card, URL, username, USSD-based, Venmo, Vinci parkings, visa, W3C, WAP, WeChat Pay, wireless, Wireless Application Protocol, Wizway Solutions, Worldline, Yucheng Transportation Card, zigbee
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