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is a global company, involving a wide expert network with state of the art professional trainers and consultants
Started in 1997, with excellent proven track records, addressing more and more customers and expertise topics, experts NODE delivers agnostic and provider-independent advice and services.

SERVED in 2022
We deliver knowledge services for more than 26 years
to hundreds of worldwide customers every year,
and are very proud to achieve a consistent average customer satisfaction of more than 4.5 / 5 for the last 16 consecutive years !
experts NODE is recognized by French government as an official “organisme de formation” and certified “datadocked”
=> ALL trainings are hence eligible to French “plans de formations” financing process usually organized & managed by human resources departments (internal training centers, corporate universities, …)

We are not only telling the “what”…
We also (and more importantly) tell the “how” with pragmatic return on experiences coming from our worldwide experts
Experts NODE is helping companies to understand, and to take the right decisions. For this, we design and deliver complete training and/or consulting programs, involving the best state of the art experts of the industry.
starting the project ? designing ? implementing ? Deploying ?
From early strategic stage where you need state of the art return of experience, data and facts coming from existing projects to take the right decisions and avoid common traps up to deployment phase where the keywords become customer experience, adoption, usage boosting, our experts can help you to avoid common traps and benefit from the most advanced best practices

Knowledge Services we deliver
Public or dedicated sessions, assistance, consulting...
Public sessions
This is also a perfect way to get away from the day-to-day bustle of the office, in a quiet and discreet learning environment, with fully equipped rooms including AV, flip charts, IT infrastructure for practical exercises...
Dedicated sessions
Courses can be customized (content / duration / place) to your real specific needs in order to ensure programs are even more job related and that new skills are immediately usable.
Expertise assistance
This is exactly where experts NODE can help you along the way, and package assistance bricks (remote or on-site, on the spot, project based, or regular) to help you apply knowledge on your specific cases.
From early strategic stage where you need state of the art return of experience, data and facts coming from existing projects to take the right decisions up to deployment phase where the keywords become customer experience, adoption, usage boosting, our experts an ad-hoc teams can help you to avoid common traps and benefit from the most advanced best practices.

Limitless learning, more possibilities
Tell us your top picks
Meet the "NODEs"
Our experts can deliver globally in EMEA, AMERICAS, and ASIA. Services are usually conducted in English as well as documents , but we can of course tailor this to customer needs, feel free to ask.
Some of our experts
thanks to more than 22 years of existence, we often claim to have the widest expert network of the industry... Try us !
We only work with senior experts that we select and nurture with high care....
Track records
customers, case studies, recent assignments...
Building the market leading eSIM Subscription Management solution for an eSIM manufacturer
A highly complex 18 month technical implementation project with...
Integration of Worldwide Subscription Management for a large European car manufacturing group
Strategic 1 year project for a large European car...
IoT essentials & consumer eSIM best practices for a NORAM VLA MNO
Help MNO in his eSIM deployment strategy with key...
Getting the (first) GSMA SAS-SM certification for two datacenters in the world
Preparing and getting the first ever GSMA SAS-SM certification...
Leveraging eSIM as a security anchor of IoT device for a Tier 1 MNO and Automotive Players
bridge PKI applet knowledge with eSIM technology
Helping a south Asian Telecom Operator to anticipate eSIM deployment impacts and quickly adapt its processes
A highly complex 18 month technical implementation project with...
eSIM and Subscription Management implementation for a leading US telco
In preparation for the Apple Watch Series 3 commercial...
eSIM Implementation for a Leading European Telco
Bring MNO a complete commercial and technical strategy to...
Ramp-up ALL employees (for a Tier 1 European MNO) on eSIM technologies
Build and roll out a complete training program and...
Select best partner to open a Delivery Center for a European IT solution integrator
18-months project to help the customer setting up his...
Application of design thinking to develop a Mobile Consumer IoT proposition for a European telco
Evaluation of the IoT, M2M market and consumer IoT...
Taking the customer perspective in the Mystery Shopping of the first commercial eSIM Device the Samsung Gear S2
Help an MNOS in its strategy to deploy the...
Avoid common NFC deployment & adoption traps
For a Major Middle East MNO + Banks +...
Deploy NFC for Mobile Payment for an European bank
A complete project : from marketing dream up to...
Deploy NFC for Mobile Payment for an European MNO
A complete project : from specification up to successful...
Secure PCI-DSS virtualized and scalable Instant Issuance solution
A highly complex 18 month technical implementation project with...
more track records, recent case studies ?
Access here experts node “our life” blog !

Some of our customers
contact us if you need any reference, contact, non biased evaluation of our work ...

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