Select best partner to open a Delivery Center for a European IT solution integrator
In brief…
- 18-months project to help the customer setting up his delivery center in central Europe
Experience & highlights
- Specified the needs with the customer: profiles expected, scale-up pace, working conditions, security aspects, success criteria
- Visited several companies in Eastern Europe that could potentially deliver the service and ranked them: working premises, location, capacity to find the right profiles, contractual aspects
- Once the company selected, participated to the interviews to select the right people
Main results
- New Delivery Center opened on-time and ramp-up of 2 integration engineers per month for 18 months
Tag:4g, 5g, Activation Code, Activation Code Voucher, Advanced Activation Code, Always connected PCs, Apple iPhone Xs, Apple Watch 4, artificial intelligence, blockchain, Bound Protected Profile Package, Cellular Bootstrap, Cellular IoT, Certificate Issuer, CI, Companion Device, Confirmation Code, Connected Cars, Connected Objects, Connected Watches, Connectivity Management Platform, consulting, Consumer IoT, Data Generation, Data Preparation, DCP-Ericssson, Default SM-DP+ Address, device, Device Module Requirements, Digital Activation Code, ECA-SD, eCall, EID, Embedded UICC, Emergency call, enode, Entitlement Server, ERA Glonass, ES2+, eSIM, eSIM Activation, eUICC, eUICC Identfier, eUICC Manufacturer, EUM, expert node, experts, experts NODE, expertsnode, Fleet management, formation, freelance, GlobalPlatform, GMA, GSMA Specifications, IMS, Internet Of Things, IoT, ISD, ISD-P, ISD-R, Issuer Security Domain, Jasper, Lead MNO, Local Profile Assistant, LPA, LPAd, LPAe, M2M, Machine Identity Module, Machine to Machine, Matching ID, MFF2, MFFS, MIM, MNO-SD, Multi-ring, OTA, Physical Activation Code, Policy Control Function Rules, Primary Device, Profile Download, Profile Package, Profile Reuse Policy, Protected Profile Package, QR code, Remote SIM Provisioning, remote sim provisioning solutions, roaming, Root SM-DS Discover Service, rps, Samsung Galaxy Watch, SAS-SM Certification, SAS-UP Certification, SCP03, Secondary Device, Security Domains, SGP.01, SGP.02, SGP.21, SGP.22, SGP.23, sim, sim cards, SM-DP+, SM-DS, SM-SR, SM-SR switch, Smart Buildings, Smart Cities, Smart Homes, Smart Metering, Stolen Vehicule Tracking, Subscription Management, SVT, Tracing & Tracking, training, USIM, V2I, V2V, Vechicule to Infrastructure, Vechicule to Vehicule, Wearables